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Jason Riggs: News

Music from the Mesa - March 11, 2009

Thursday, March. 19th
Saxbys Coffee
8810 Holly NE
Albuquerque NM
Located near the Paseo Del Norte and Ventura intersection by Bed, Bath, & Beyond and Trader Joe's.
Jason's been enjoying his monthly stands at Saxby's. You can step outside and catch the sunset, then go back in, grab some coffee, and listen to Jase sing about it.

For directions, click:,-95.677068&sspn=32.252269,56.25&ie=UTF8&ll=35.175698,-106.545895&spn=0.016241,0.027466&t=h&z=15&iwloc=A

Where's Jason? The case of the Missing Folk Singer - January 13, 2009

Hi’ya kids. Uncle Bingo here. Hope your holidays were better than what we had at the ol’ palatial BINGO Recordings headquarters. Hope you didn’t spend Christmas time wondering if your record label’s premier artist is ever going to come back from his mystery trip and deliver the third album he is contractually obligated to finish recording.

But, we had a big break in the case of the missing folk singer. Yes we did.

You see Jason went rogue. He’s been playing gigs in his hometown that aint sanctioned by BINGO Recordings. He thinks he is so smart with his coffeehouse sneak attack shows, but we’re on to him. We know his next move before he makes it!

As I told ya’s last time, kids, I dispatched BINGO Recording’s Chief Assistant Accountant and IT Specialist Renaldo to find Jase in Albuquerque. I got some text messages from Renaldo a few weeks ago. Here’s a transcript….

BigDaddyNaldo: Uncle Bingo, I was doing some Christmas shopping at a Bed Bath & Beyond here in ABQ and I saw a coffeehouse with a flyer in the window. By the way, Bed Bath & Beyond has those loofah’s you like on sale for $7.99. I could grab a few.
UNKBING: Get to da point, pendejo!

BigDaddyNaldo: Sorry. It’s Jason’s pix on the flyer. He’s playing here tonight.

UNKBING: Go check it out. Keep it on the down low.

BigDaddyNaldo: You mean the QT?

UNKBING: Down Low. QT. Whatever! Don’t let him see you.

BigDaddyNaldo: I have my disguise in my car. Fake beard, dark glasses, and fedora.

UNKBING: Spare me. Text me later with details.

(Several hours later.)

BigDaddyNaldo: Mission accomplished. Jason was there alright. I sat in the back. He wasn’t playing the red guitar. He’s got a pretty brown and tan guitar. He played songs off the first two CD’s, such as ‘Everyday Like This’ and ‘Party Girl,’ plus lots of new tunes. I think he spotted me though. I accidentally knocked over a bin of coffee beans. They spilled all over the floor. I think they were Sumatra. It was right in the middle of quiet ballad and everyone looked over at me, including Jase. But, I don’t think he recognized me. You know, cuz of the beard and all.

UNKBING: For cryin’ out loud, Renaldo. What were the new tunes like?

BigDaddyNaldo: Short, catchy with titles like ‘I Go With Her’ and ‘Best Days of Our Lives.’ If he really has them recorded, you’ll be able to sell a lot of CD’s. There was a tall, pretty red headed woman taking some photos. After the show, I asked her if she’d send me a copy. If she does, I’ll forward it to you.
UNKBING: Okay. Good work, Renaldo.

BigDaddyNaldo: One more thing.


BigDaddyNaldo: I know where he is going to turn up next!!! At the end of his performance, Jason said he would be back here at Saxby’s on Thursday January 22nd at 6pm.

(End Transcript)

There you have it kids. If you live in ABQ, and you go see Jason, tell’m Uncle Bingo is watching!!! He can run, but he can’t hide.

Bingo Out!

Jason Riggs in an unsanctioned performance.

Saxbys Coffee
8810 Holly NE.
(located near the Paseo del Norte and Ventura intersection by Bed, Bath, and Beyond where you can buy some loofahs).

Thursday, January 22nd from 6-8pm.

Buy a CD or download from CDBaby:
Buy an iTune:
For the latest info:
Hear some tunes, be a friend:

Jason pops up for a Holiday Show - December 14, 2008

Though still in hiding from his record label, Jason will be coming up from the underground for a holiday performance at Saxby's Coffee in Albuquerque.

The performance begins at 6pm on Thursday evening, December 18th. Saxby's is located near the intersection of Paseo Del Norte and Wyoming.

Saxyb's Coffee
8810 Holly Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87122
(505) 828-3757

Jason Riggs is Missing - November 9, 2008

The following is a message from Uncle Bingo. The message was posted to this website by BINGO Recordings media relations supervisor, Renaldo.

"Hi'ya kids. It's Uncle Bingo talking to ya'. For those new or not in the know, I'm the president and CEO of BINGO Recordings.

Our premier artist, Jason Riggs has gone awol. Missing. Disappeared.

Jase has been in Salt Lake City, Utah for the past 6 years. Supposedly, he's been holed up in his apartment all summer with a portable recording studio creating his next masterpiece. A couple of months go by and no word.

So, I personally head down to Salt Lake to find out when this project will be completed.

Imagine my suprise when someone answers the door and that someone aint Jason!!!

I have to hear it from some cat in a bathrobe holding a Pabst blue ribbon that Jase don't live there no more!!!

That's all I got.

No premier artist. No album number three ready for us to release. No forwarding address.

We crunched some numbers into the BINGO Recordings super computer and came up with three likely places he may be hiding.

1.) New London, Connecticut. The punk always loved the pretty leaves in the Fall when he used to play there.

2.) Lisbon, Portugal. Jase loves him some vino tinto!


3.) Albuquerque, New Mexico. Jason's hometown.

If it's the third possibility, it is going to be tough on ol' Uncle Bingo. Jason has thousands of contacts there and knows all the local customs. He will blend in. He will disappear. We may never find him.

Sooner or later, Mr. Singer/Songwriter will turn up in some cafe with his guitar. He can bail out on making records. He can live without the wild rockstar parties. He doesn't need fancy cars or the bling-bling.

But, he cannot resist sitting in the corner of some coffeehouse and strumming his six string to whoever will listen.

And that's how I'll get him.

Keep your eyes open you who hail in the Duke City. Drop me a line if you hear anything."

Bye, Bye Bo Diddley - June 2, 2008

"Bo Diddley was and is one of my all time favorite rock'n'roll artists. Back in Albuquerque in '96, he put on the best show I have ever seen in a bar. He has been horribly overlooked and underrated. If you think you don't know his music, trust me. You do. Somewhere in pop culture, you've heard some pipsqueak punk (like me) with a guitar trying to do Bo, but they didn't come close. That's okay. Bo Diddley's sound was so good and so prototypical rock'n'roll DNA, even a bad imitation will get the blood flowing."-Jason Riggs

Riggs hits Myspace! - May 18, 2008

Check it out!
Finally, Bingo Recordings has put up a Jason Riggs myspace page.

OMG! It's got all Jason's bio details, pics, cool friends, links to buy MP3's, and coming soon, BLOGS. You will LOL when you see it even if your POS.

So, link up and you'll be Jason's BFF.

Okay, so we're a little late on this whole MySpace deal. You've got a page. Your friend from third grade has a page. Even your Grandma has a page.

But does your Grandma have Jason Riggs song blasting? Huh? No, she doesn't, does she?!?

Show on Oct. 5th!!! - September 27, 2007

Jason will be performing at Cocoa Caffe with his old compadre Roger Jameson. If you dig Riggs, you'll love Roger's stuff.

Cocoa Caffe
282 E 900 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84111

8pm, Friday Oct. 5

Rog and Jase go back a long, long way. Back to Albuquerque. Back to their first bands. Back to 2nd grade. That's right.

Rog is a great singer/songwriter who has put out three wonderful CD's.

Now, did we mention those Ringtones? Keep scrolling.

one word...Ringtones - September 24, 2007

Starting now, you can get a Jason Riggs Ringtone!

Click here:
Imagine you're sitting in a coffee shop or a laundry mat or an all night diner writing in your journal. A cute guy or gorgeous lady sits down near you. They make eye contact. You have to convince them that you are cool, tall, vulnerable, and luscious.

What do you do? you do?

You make your cell phone ring your fave Jase tune! Then he/she will say one of the following phrases...

"What song was that? I love it. You must be cool, tall, vulnerable, and luscious. Can I buy you a cup of coffee?"


"Oh my gosh! Is that Jason Riggs on your ringtone? I thought I was the only person in the universe who knew that song. You must be my soul mate!"

Every song from both of Jason's albums are available for purchase.

Dig it, cats!

*By the way, the above scenario applies even if you are married or in an otherwise committed relationship. So, be careful with those ringtones!


Last October, Jason played a show at Salt Lake's up and coming performance venue New Song Underground. Some said it was the best Jason Riggs show they had ever seen. And they weren't even related to him!

On Saturday, May 19th, Jason will be going back to New Song. The show will be recorded live for a future BINGO Recordings release. Now's your chance to say to your hipster friends, "I was there that night. I saw the show in person."

As a matter of fact, if you have any requests that you know in your heart of hearts Jason must have on a live album, send an email to

Uncle Bingo will see to it that Jase plays it, and he'll make'em like it!

Jason Riggs Live at New Song Underground

8pm Saturday, May 19th

859 South 800 East
Salt Lake City, Utah

'Cause that's how he rolls

One ear at a time... - January 2, 2007

Sometimes, Jason gets some mention in a newspaper or on the radio and we post it right here. But, it's even better when a true believer posts his or her thoughts.

Here's a cool link that mentions Jase and talks about the importance of local music in your community. Thanks for the kind words, Robert!

An Evening with Jason Riggs - October 25, 2006

Jason will be performing a special concert on Saturday, November 11th at New Song Underground in Salt Lake City, Utah.

The performance will be recorded live for a future BINGO Recordings release.

Admission will be a mere $5.00 and the doors open at 7:00pm. New Song Underground is located at 859 South 800 East in the basement of the New Song Presbyterian Church. It is an up and coming venue that has hosted a variety of musical styles.

Be a part of BINGO Recordings history!

New Songs at Cocoa Caffe - October 11, 2006

All you poor, beleaguered Salt Lake City coffee/indie folk aficionados despair not! Cocoa Caffe has it all waiting for you. A cozy decor, fine Italian espresso, and in the dimly lit corner...a lonely poet strumming a guitar singing a song that reminds you of another time when you weren't quite so beleaguered.

Last week, Jase debuted two new songs. One is a dark little folk-rocker called “They Won't Bury Me Here” and the other is an unrequited love song called “All Those Pretty Little Things.” Plus, at least a portion of what could be a new song played as an intro to “This Machine.”

See what he plays this week.

More Fall Dates... - October 2, 2006

We've added a Salt Lake City show to the calendar. Expect more dates to come as Jason slowly crawls out into the night to stage test some new tunes.

New CD from Jason...! - September 14, 2006

But not THIS Jason. We're talking Jason Riggs' friend and compadre Jason Bennett.

One year after his brilliant record "Acoustic Harbor," Bennett has followed up with the equally brilliant follow up " Mindchange."

It includes 8 great tunes penned by Mr. Bennett, one song written by some guy named Bob Dylan, and...wait for it...a Jason Riggs song!!!

Bennett has covered "My Heart's Not Broken Anymore," and it sounds great. Bennett takes Riggs' song of healing and heartache, making it his own.

You can hear a clip of it here...
The CD's Tracks are on the left and "My Heart's Not Broken Anymore" is number 6. While, you're at it, check out his other songs. Hell, might as well buy a copy before all your cool friends get it.

For those not in the know, Jason Bennett is a great singer/songwriter from Colorado. Riggs and Bennett crossed paths at a gig one night and have kept up a correspondence ever since. Mr. Bennett has the dubious distinction of being the first artist to cover one of Mr. Riggs' compositions.

Check out more of Bennett at his website by going to:

Live clips, and more iTunes. - September 5, 2006

After pulling a Claude Rains for the last few months, Jason is back and ready to get to work.

There's some new shows listed on the calendar with more to come. And, lest you think that Jase wasted away his summer, there'll be lots of new songs to be heard. Yes, yes, the boy's been writing new material for a new album. Stay tuned.

We've added some stuff to the music section. Download a live performance of Jason playing "This Machine" taken from the Sagebrush Serenade Show broadcast a couple of months ago on KRCL Radio Free Utah.

Listen to the song here
You can also listen to a couple of clips from the interview segment of the show wherein Sagebrush Serenade Host Lori presses Riggs with the hard questions. Tough as nails journalism at its best. Just like Fox News. Hear Jason squirm as he tries to answer the burning question "does that guitar really get you girls?"
and here
Also, we've finally added more lyrics and stories behind the songs to the music page. Now you can understand what the hell Jase was saying and gain an insight into why he wrote the song in the first place.

Finally, BINGO Recordings is proud to announce that Jason's first album "These Wheels" is now availalbe on iTunes! Go head on over to the iTunes store and check it out. You can even write a review and spread the word.

Jason covers Jason. - June 8, 2006

Colorado-based singer/songwriter Jason Bennett will be recording a cover version of one of OUR Jason's songs for his upcoming album, "Mindchange."

Elston Gunn, the spokesperson for Eleven Mile Records, stated that Bennett's new release should be this Fall and it will include a cover of Riggs' "My Heart's Not Broken Anymore" from the 2004 CD "Pawn Shop Special."

Bennett and Riggs have always shared a name and a mutual admiration. Plus, according to Jason Riggs, the pair are both sick and twisted individuals that have somehow convinced everyone else that they are nice guys.

Nonetheless, Riggs stated that he was "humbled and happy that such a great writer would cover one of my tunes."

Check out Jason Bennett's incredible recording "Acoustic Harbor" on Itunes or go here:
And then, go listen to clip of Riggs' original version of "My Heart's Not Broken Anymore."

Back from 'burque. - May 11, 2006

After a wonderful time in his hometown, Jason will be performing in Logan, Utah at Caffe Ibis on Saturday May 20.

As previously announced, you can get "Pawn Shop Special" on itunes as well as many other music download sites. Here's a link to iTunes.

Itunes Baby!!! - May 4, 2006

That's right. Jason's second album 'Pawn Shop Special' is availabe on Itunes. Go on over to the Itunes store, punch in "artist name: Jason Riggs" and start downloading.

It's also available on a growing number of download services including Musicnet, MusicNow, Napster, Rhapsody, MSN Music, and many, many more. If you don't do the Itunes, go check out your favorite download service. If Riggs aint there now, he will be soon. And if you don't do the download, just pop in your copy on CD. What? You don't have one yet? Quick. Go to Uncle Bingo's Pawnshop...
Also, Jason plays his hometown on Saturday May 6th at Alfredo's Coffeehouse in historic Old Town. The show starts at 7:00pm and rumor has it that Roger Jameson will sitting in as a special guest. Ol' Rog and Jase go back a long, long ways. They've been in a few bands together and have been kicked out of a couple of gigs together. His tunes are great. If you like Jase, you'll dig the Rog.

As most natives of the Duke City know, Old Town can be windy and twisty. If you need directions, call Alfredo's at 505.244.0774. It is located next to the High Noon.

See you all there, and happy downloadin'.

Jason's Birthday - April 24, 2006

It's Jason's birthday today. He'll be celebrating it with a gig in his hometown on May 6th at Alfredo's Coffee House.

Special thanks to the University of Utah Theatre Department for providing a space for the Women's Resource Center Benefit Concert.

Thank you to all who attended. Some cash was raised, some songs were played, and Sabra put on a fantastic set before Riggs picked up his guitar.

Benefit Concert Venue Change - April 19, 2006

Due to scheduling conflicts, the venue for the Women's Resource Center Benefit Concert has been shifted just down the hill to Studio 115 in the Performing Arts Building of the University of Utah Campus.

There are a lot of festivities going on at the University of Utah this weekend, so parking could be tight.

The show is still at 7:30pm. For directions, please visit this website.
Or call the University Theatre Department at:

Live in Logan and on the radio and internet - April 13, 2006

Jason will be a special guest on KRCL Radio Free Utah on Sunday, April 16 on the Sunday Sagebrush program.

The show comes on at 10am to about 1:30pm MST. Jason and Utah singer/songwriter Sabra will performing on the air around noon-ish to promote their performance in Salt Lake City.

If you are in the Utah area tune in to 90.9 FM. If you are anywhere else in the world, listen in on the internet by going to:
And, of course, if you are in the Logan, UT area, come down to Caffe Ibis to see Mr. Riggs in person. The coffee and atmosphere are superb and Jase has some new songs he's itchin' to try out live.

For more details, go to the calendar page!

May 6 in Albuquerque - March 27, 2006

Jason is back in Albuquerque, NM on May 6th not May 13 as it was erroneously reported. He will be performing at Alfredo's Coffee House in historic Old Town at 7:00pm.

Jason's Journal - March 12, 2006

To paraphrase Samuel Clemens...the rumors of my demise have been greatly hyped up!

Allow me to explain.

A few weeks ago, I was drinking some Arabic coffee at a friend's house. For those of you that have never had Arabic coffee, it's basically the same as Turkish coffee. And for those of you who have never had Turkish coffee, it's very similar to Arabic coffee. It has the effect of a really good espresso mixed with cocaine or something.

I love it. Good stuff.

When you're done drinking it, you turn the cup upside down and your future can be read in the grounds.

Well, my girlfriend has her cup read. And she's told that there will be people crying.

Being the peculiar mixture of egomaniac and fatalist that I am, I assume it must be a premonition of my impending doom.

So, for the past few weeks, I've been watching my back. I don't want to die. I want to live. I have so much ahead of me. More songs to write, more albums to record, more shows to play. Plus, the Sopranos season premier is coming up.

Also, if I got to go, I want to go playing guitar. I want to walk off the stage and collapse. Then, have some reporter in a 1930's reporter hat with the word 'press' written on it say..."he gave all he had for the rock'n'roll."

Yeah, that'd be sweet.

So, here I am, looking over my shoulder everywhere I go and watching for out of control tomato trucks around every corner. And then, Uncle Bingo tells me that we got a new signing on the website guestbook.

Go look at the March 8th entry. Go 'head, look at it. Look at it!

Creepy, huh. I appreciate the compliment though. This gentleman thinks I'm dead or I've lost my mind. Either one could be true, I suppose.

I better call my Mom.


Get Pawn Shop Special at Yahoo Music - March 11, 2006

Yahoo music now has downloads from Riggs' second album Pawn Shop Special. You can download any or all of the songs for .99 each.

Go to Yahoo music and gets-to-clicking.
Aspiring music critics can even write a sales boosting, ravingly positive review.

Not on Yahoo? Pawn Shop Special is available on many different music services with more coming soon. See if it's available on the site where you regularly buy fine music. As more are added, we'll try to keep you posted.

Jason joins forces with Sabra for benefit show. - February 26, 2006

Utah singer/songwriter Sabra will be teaming up with Jase for a special concert to benefit the Women's Resource Center.

Jason and Sabra played together once before in October of 2005 at the Intermountain Acoustic Musician Association Concert.

The Women's Resource Center is located on the Unviversity of Utah campus. It offers counseling, support services, and programing to the Univesity as well as the larger community with the goals of empowerment and social justice. For more info, check out
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